Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

11 Beverages That Cause Fat and 6 Beverages That Fight Fat

Good morning, I've come across some really cool information on beverages you may be drinking that very well could be preventing you from losing belly fat.  I've also come across some beverages that can also help you lose belly fat.  The articles are by Josh Bezoni, a nutritionist who has helped hundreds of people lose weight.  Awarenss of what you put in your body is the first step to becoming a lean, mean machine and reaching your full potential physically.

11 Beverages That Cause Fat

6 Beverages That Fight Fat


Jerry Babbage, CSCS, PES

Posted via email from juggernautathletics's posterous

Monday, May 2, 2011

6 Habits to Strip Away Belly Fat For Good

Whats going on!  This is Jerry and I'm coming at you with another fantastic and informative article to help you obtain that lean and mean body you desire.  I once heard it said by who I don't remember that you waist line is your life line.  From both a practical and philosophic standpoint that is very true.  Without proper digestion in your midsection you eventually will accumulate a sizable amount of bodyfat surrounding your stomach which can lead to what is most popularly known as a gut, spare tire, love handles etc.  Even more importantly it can potentially lead to cancer, dementia, lung problems or migraines.  It can also result in a hairy navel too if left unattended. But enough with all the gloom and doom, I suspect you want to know what you can do to get the flatter midsection.  Well i found a article that may be able to help you out. 

->->6 simple habits to strip away belly fat for good.<-<-

Take care!

Jerry Babbage, CSCS, PES

Posted via email from juggernautathletics's posterous