Monday, July 18, 2011

!0 Flat Belly Tricks

Good morning!  Hope you had a great weekend, and looking forward to kicking the living crap out of Mondays typical challenges.  Theres no secret, I don't particulary like belly fat, gut, spare tires or whatever you want to call it.  One of my secret missions in my job (oops I guess its not a secret anymore) is to flatten the belly of anyone that approaches me for help for overall health and fitness.  So to make a long story short I found another great article about how to reduce your waist line.  I hope you enjoy it and apply it to your health regime.

To your health and prosperity,

Jerry Babbage

Posted via email from juggernautathletics's posterous

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Master the Produce Aisle

Happy Sunday!  Hope you had a great weekend.  I found a great article to help you better increase your chances of healthier body and quality of life.

To your health and prosperity,

Jerry Babbage, CSCS, PES

Posted via email from juggernautathletics's posterous

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Truth About Snack Bars

Happy Independance Day!  Hope all is well with you, I wanted to share a article I found about snack bars.  Choose you food wisely just as you would any investment that catches you eye.  Take care and have a great day!

Your health and prosperity,

Jerry Babbage

Posted via email from juggernautathletics's posterous