Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Speed Recovery Workout

What do you do after a power or speed training day?   Generally speaking it  24-48 hours to recover from a intense power or speed training session.  So with that in mind you want to give your body's central nervous system (CNS)  a rest from the heavy stress from the day before.  I recommend performing a recovery/conditioning day.  This will get the heart rate up and flush out any metabolic wastes while geting a non CNS taxing workout.

Here is an example of a Recovery Day:

Movement Preparation/Active Warm-up

  • Prone Hip Cross Overs
  • Scorpion
  • Calf Stretch
  • Inch Worm
  • Walking Toe Touches
  • Lateral Lunges
  • Forward Lunges/forearm to instep
  • Backwards Lunge with torso twist
  • Cross Over Lunge
  • Sumo Squat to Stand

Agility Ladder/Ring drills (repeat each drill 4 times)

  • 1-in
  • 2-in
  • 2-in/2-out
  • Lateral 1-in
  • Lateral 2-in
  • Shuffle
  • Caricoa

General Strength (GS) Circuit (or Tempo Run): Perform on soccer or basketball court, jogging on the sidelines each corner.  Do one exercise in each corner. Perform a total of 4 circuits with a 4 minutes rest upon completion of each circuit.

  • Bodyweight squats x 20
  • Push ups x 12
  • Forward Lunges x 12 each
  • T- push ups x 8 each
  • Mountain climbers x 20
  • Lateral Lunges x 12 each
  • Table makers x 15

Core Conditioning: 10 yard distance

  • Bear crawls for 5 yards down and back
  • Side crawls for 5 yards down and back

Hip/Glute-3x15 each

  • Fire hydrants
  • prone knee flexion to extension
  • been knee hip circles both forward and backwards
  • supine hip bridges

Foam Roller (Perform for 1-2 minutes each)

  • Calf
  • Hamstring
  • Quad
  • IT Band
  • Inner Thigh
  • Low Back

Exercises can be added or subtracted depending on what the goal of the workout is, but our Conditioning/Recovery days will be in this outlined form.  General Strength(GS) circuit exercises, volume and even the way we perform the jogs and rest will be dependant upon the phase or season we are in.  Tempo runs are also used as conditioning/recovery and can either replace or be in additon to GS circuits.  The core exercises can change daily depending on what was done the day before.



Posted via email from juggernautathletics's posterous

Thursday, July 1, 2010

53 Ways to Build Muscle, Gain Strength & Be F*ckin Awesome

1. Have a clearly defined goal. You can’t put 50 pounds on your squat, lose 50 pounds of fat and gain 50 pounds of muscle at the same time, while

Jason Ferrugia is right on point! Take this information to heart and you will do more than obtain your goals, you will destroy them!

Posted via email from juggernautathletics's posterous

Monday, June 28, 2010

Top 5 Summer Training Tips

This is a great read for athletes who are in their off season.  It was written by Latif Thomas, a highly respected speed and performance coach in the sports industry.

Posted via email from juggernautathletics's posterous

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Off Season, Why is it important?

What do you use the off season for? When I think of off season, I think about recovery, rebalance and rebuilding.  Unfortunately a lot young athletes don't think this way as we see athletes competing in the same sports year around and even becoming specialist in sports before building a solid base of athleticism.  This often leads to burn out and injuries for the athlete.  I want to share a article from a great sports performance coach by the name of Lee Taft as he speaks about the importance of the off season for athletes.  Enjoy.


Posted via email from juggernautathletics's posterous

Dynamic Warm up for Sports Performance and Training

A dynamic warm up is key to enhancing performance and reduction of injuries.  Some of the key assests of a dynamic warm up is that it increases core body temperture, joint mobility, muscle elasticity and mentally prepares the athlete(s) for competition or training.  What I intend to do is share what type of warm up and pre-habiliation exercises I have my athletes peform before their workouts.  It will be broken into two part series of videos.  Before starting your dynamic warm up perform a series of short distance runs or jump and jacks as it makes a better transition in the part one of the warm up.

Part 1

Part 2



Posted via email from juggernautathletics's posterous

Monday, April 26, 2010

My Top Exercises To Jump Higher And Sprinter Faster

I get asked a lot how do I increase my vertical or more commonly how do I get faster? Everyone is looking for that perfect exercise or drill that will elevate their performance to superstar status. The only problem is that there is no perfect exercise or drill that will do that, well maybe there is, its called consistency and hard work!

To Jump higher and run faster you have to become more powerful.
Power = Strength X Speed

The list of exercises represent the ones I have found the most success with and by no means the only ones that will aid in jumping higher or sprinter faster although if used you will see great results. They are in no particular order.

Front Box Squats

Trap Bar Deadlift

Bulgarian Split Squat

Good Mornings

Kettlebell Swings

Kneeling Squat Jumps

Box Jumps

Sprint Bounding

If you have any questions please leave a comment.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


3 Rounds for time of:

Walking lunge, 100 feet
50 Squats
25 Back Extensions

Post time to comments.

News Flash!!!!!

Juggernaut Athletics has found a new home in which it will be training athletes and fitness enthusiast!

Primary location will be:

2250 Lee Road, Suite 300

Winter Park, FL 32789

Programs offered:

  • Speed Training and Conditioning
  • Strength Training
  • Flexibility Training
  • Individual and Group Fitness Training
  • Offsite Sports Performance and Fitness Training

Contact me at:

www.juggernautathletics.blogspot.com or jerrybabbage1978@gmail.com

Thursday, April 8, 2010

WOW (Workout of the Week)

5 RoundsFor Time:
12 Deadlifts (men: 185, women:135)
20 Squat Thrust aka Burpee

If your not sure how to do the deadlift correctly watch this video.

Fitness article published on Elitelifts website

Hello everyone, check out my fitness article that just got published this week.

Let me know your thoughts.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

WOW (Workout of the Week)

Complete for Time:
10 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
1 Weighted Pull ups
9 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
2 Weighted Pull ups
8 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
3 Weighted Pull ups
7 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
4 Weighted Pull ups
6 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
5 Weighted Pull ups
5 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
6 Weighted Pull ups
4 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
7 Weighted Pull ups
3 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
8 Weighted Pull ups
2 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
9 Weighted Pull ups
1 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
10 Weighted Pull ups

Post time:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


A. 10 X 20 yd sprints uphill or on a flat surface, Rest 2 minutes between sprints.

B. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 of the triplet for time:

Chest to the bar pull ups
Box Jumps, 24' box
Power wheel or towel Pike ups

Post time completed:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Complete the following as fast as possible:

50 Kettlebell swings (24kg for men and 20kg for ladies)
75 Hindu push ups
75 Kettlebell swings
50 Hindu push ups
100 Kettlebell swings
25 Hindu push ups

Post time:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

W.O.W (Workout of the Week)

4 Rounds As Fast As Possible for time:
25 Hindu Push ups
25 Jumping Chin ups
25 Box Jumps: 18" for women and 24" for men
250 reps of Jumping Rope: 1st round forward, 2nd backwards, 3rd forwards, 4th backwards

Post your time:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pool WOD

For Time:
50 squats + 500 meters kick
50 push-ups or dips on edge of pool + 500 meter pull
25 burpees (aka squat thrusters) + 500 meters swim

Note: 500 meters = 20 lengths

Post time:

Friday, February 19, 2010

W.O.W (Workout of the Week)

The Final Count Down

5 minutes - Jump Rope or Jump and Jacks
4 minutes - Mountain Climbers (count only the right leg)
3 minutes - Box Jumps (on 24 inch box)
2 minutes - Squat Thrust aka Burpees
1 minute - Push ups

Record repetitions for each exercise and post on blog.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Workout of the Week (WOW)

20 minutes AMSAP (As many sets as possible) of the following circuit:

100 meter sprints or treadmill sprints with 2% grade for .60 distance on fastest speed possible
25 Push ups
15 Centipedes

Post sets completed:
Note: Photo and description of centipede exercise is listed below.

  • Start by leaning over at the waist, and place the of the palms on the floor (as shown)
  • Ensure that there is a soft bend in the knees for proper load transfer through the pelvis
  • Maintain stiffness in the core and walk your hands away from the feet one at a time
  • Continue hand movement until shoulders are in full flexion
  • Hold the hands over the head, palms on the floor and slowly start walking the feet towards the hands one at a time (like a centipede) then continue the movement for the require repetitions.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

WOW (Workout of the Week)

Complete the following for time:
100 Jump rope or jumping jacks
100 Close grip push ups
25 Jump Squats
25 Pull ups
100 Squats
25 Back extensions
50 Sprinter sit ups
100 Push ups
50 Walking Lunges
50 Underhand inverted rows
100 Mountain Climbers
50 Decline push ups feet on bench
25 Overhand inverted rows
50 Squat Thrusters
50 Box step ups (25 +25)
25 Chin ups
100 Jump rope or jumping jacks

Post time:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Top 6 Exercises for Speed Development

The following exercises are currently my main exercises of choice for athletes when I am working on developing linear and multi-directional speed. Efficiency of movement in speed development is also important of course and should be trained concurrently with the exercises I am recommending.

  1. Deadlift- In my opinion is the best all around strength development exercise. In terms of muscular recruitment it gives you the most bang for your buck! In terms of specificity to sprinting, its a posterior chain focused exercise meaning it targets the muscles of the glutes, hamstrings and lower back which is perfect for the maximum speed phase of sprinting.

  2. Split Squats - Sprinting is a single leg activity and the demands placed upon the body during unilateral activities are much different from bilateral movements, therefore we need to train for this in the gym. Split squats are a good choice for this because it can be easily over loaded and a number of different stance widths can be used to emphasize different muscle groups. The shorter stance emphasizes more quadricep development which a good choice for the acceleration phase of the sprint while the wider stance requires greater use of the glutes and hamstrings. I personally like them because it requires torso stabilization, balance and they are hard as hell! Either way splits squats help build a better well rounded athlete.

  3. Hip Flexion Work - Muscles of the hip flexors (iliopsoas, if you don't know what this means, its the muscles that allow you to lift your leg up), are highly under developed in most athletes. The hip flexors are huge contributors increasing stride length in sprinting which mean faster running ability. I like to use cable machines for hip flexion and begin in supine and work to a standing position over time. The supine position allows for greater loads to be used while the standing position ensures that the core is engaged fully in a unilateral stance. Remember when doing hip flexor work lift the knee above 90 degrees as this places the stress on the psoas more so than the hip flexors.

  4. Bounding and Variations - Up to now the exercises have been focused on loading in a vertical plane but sprinting requires forces to be transmitted in a horizontal plane and I think bounding is an awesome choice for developing this type of force production capability. There are other options such as broad jumps, single leg hops, skipping, but for the purposes of this blog bounding is my choice. Bounding can be used with all levels of athletes as well as all types of sprinting based sports and is highly applicable. In the early phases the exercise should be done with a hold on one leg emphasizing quiet landings between each repetition and progress to quicker, shorter contacts emphasising horizontal propulsion through the ball of the foot.

  5. Sled Dragging- Sled dragging is considered by some to be a specific speed strength exercise, its focus is primarily on the posterior chain muscles while mimicking the driving phase of a sprint. You get triple extension of the ankle, knee and hip all which is important for explosive movement. There have been many disputes that sled dragging will not increase overall speed development. While I agree sled dragging will not increase top end speed it will aid in increasing an athletes acceleration phase of the sprint! The ability to accelerate from 0 to 60 is a greater asset to most team sports than top end speed. The sled can be used with as little of 10% of the athletes body weight to sprint over short distances or as much weight as one wants to increase strength in the horizontal plane.

  6. Weighted Rows - This will probably be a shocker for those who know me as the pull/chin up king! Yes, yes I know it doesn't sound like me talking but as I evolve as a coach so is my exercise selection for performance enhancement. Rows play a key role in posture and the athletes ability to increase speed throughout the upper torso when sprinting.

So there you go. There are so many other exercises you could put into this list. As I said these are my go to exercises, give them a shot and see if they will help you increase your speed.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Restoration Methods For Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts

I'll start off putting it simply - you must train hard and recover even harder! I work with a variety of athletes and clients and one of the main culprits to their success is their ability to recover from a previous training session. Here are some healthy ways to help your body recover and restore your muscles.

Food: When you're done training, you need to eat a protein source to build muscle. Muscles are made up proteins, and without consuming any protein quickly (in the first 45 minutes after the training session - the earlier the better), muscles won't grow.

On top of that, eating quality meals with a protein source, carbohydrate, and additional vegetables will help your body feel better after training. Here are some suggestions of foods and drinks to aid recovery.

Pineapple and Papaya
Good for: Muscle recovery

Salmon or Fish Oil Supplement
Good for: Cardiovascular fitness

PB&J or Pasta with Meat Sauce
Good for: Muscle building and repair

8 ounces of Chocolate Milk
Good for: Hydration after workout
Why? Milk has more electrolytes and potassium. The addition of chocolate gives the perfect balance of carbohydrate, protein, and fat for a speedy muscle recovery.

Good for: Minimizes muscle soreness after workout

Cold Water
Good for: Endurance

Green Tea
Good for: Muscle recovery

Self-myofasical release: This includes foam rolling, Theracane, the Stick, or any other massage tool. When a muscle stretches near the point of injury, the Golgi tendon organ (GTO) tells the muscle spindles to relax. Foam rolling stimulates the muscle and works the GTO so the athlete can work in a more complete range of motion without the muscles shutting down.

Contrast showers and baths (Cold and Hot): Contrasting relaxes and excites the muscles, moves blood through, and shorten the restoration time.

Warm up, stretch, and relax: I recommend performing a dynamic warm up before doing your workout as this increases your core body temperature, excites the nervous system and allows your body to increase its range of motion. Save the stretching routine for after the workout to further aid recovery.

Hydrate: Keep it simple, always have a bottle of water near by during workout sessions and drink when thirsty. Drinking on your rest days will help push toxins out and keep the muscles loose.

Relax (sleep): Recovery requires relaxing. Take Nike's advice and "Just Do It!" Enough said.

To summarize, if you implement these recovery and restoration methods, you will feel better and more importantly you can train harder! To maximize your chances of obtaining your goal you must work hard and recover hard, otherwise you're just spinning your wheels.